Jacqueline Doan


Welcome to my website. Here you can find some information about me, my research, and most importantly, my opinion on random things.

I am currently an Applied ML Scientist at TD Bank. Previously I was a Quantitative Associate there.

Fun Things That Happened

My Canadian Mathematics Society Notes interview with Prof. Kapulkin about my advocacy for minorities in mathematics

Computational Art & Design Work

Youtube video about Spectral Theorem (Script writing and animation)


Roberto C. Budzinski, Tung T. Nguyen, Gabriel B. Benigno, Jacqueline Đoàn,  Ján Mináč, Terrence J. Sejnowski, and Lyle Muller. Analytical prediction of specific spatiotemporal patterns in nonlinear oscillator networks with distance-dependent time delays. Physical Review Research, 2023.

Roberto Budzinski, Tung T. Nguyen, Jacqueline Đoàn, Ján Mináč, Terrence J. Sejnowski, and Lyle Muller. A simple geometry unites synchrony, chimeras, and waves in nonlinear oscillator networks. Chaos, 2022.

Jacqueline Đoàn, Lyle Muller, Ján Mináč, Tung T. Nguyen, Federico Pasini. Joins of circulant matrices. Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 2022.

Tung T. Nguyen, Roberto Budzinski, Jacqueline Đoàn, Federico Pasini, Ján Mináč, and Lyle Muller. Equilibria in Kuramoto oscillator networks: An algebraic approach. SIAM Dynamical Systems, 2022.

Jacqueline Đoàn. The Eigenspectra of Random Graphs: A Deterministic Approach via Edge Removal. Undergraduate Honors Thesis, 2021.